Contribution to conferences
Modeling of Close-Contact and Convective Melting in an Axisymmetric Cylindrical Geometry.
Tomer Shockner and Gennady Ziskind. 5th-6th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC). 26-28 May 2021, virtual conference, pp. 517-520, ISBN 978-1-56700-517-2, https://doi.org/10.1615/TFEC2021.est.036693
Steel slag concrete: thermo-mechanical stability under high temperature cycles.
Laura Boquera, J. Ramon Castro, Ángel Fernández, Antonia Navarro, Anna Laura Pisello, Luisa F. Cabeza. 15th International virtual conference on energy storage (Enerstock 2021). 9-11 June 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia (online conference), pp. 106, ISBN 978-961-6104-49-4, http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/72960
Modeling of combined convective and close-contact melting in a vertical cylindrical enclosure.
Tomer Shockner and Gennady Ziskind. 15th International virtual conference on energy storage (Enerstock 2021). 9-11 June 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia (online conference), pp. 107, ISBN 978-961-6104-49-4
Industrial byproducts characterization for high temperature solid particle solar tower systems used as thermal energy storage and heat transfer fluid.
Camila Barreneche, Alejandro Calderón, Marc Majó, Adela Svobodova, A. Inés Fernández. 15th International virtual conference on energy storage (Enerstock 2021). 9-11 June 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia (online conference), pp. 161, ISBN 978-961-6104-49-4
Life cycle assessment (LCA) of concentrating solar power (CSP) plant in tower configuration with and without thermal energy storage (TES).
Gemma Gasa, Cristina Prieto, Luisa F. Cabeza. 15th International virtual conference on energy storage (Enerstock 2021). 9-11 June 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia (online conference), pp. 267, ISBN 978-961-6104-49-4, http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/72949
Industrial byproducts and commercial solid particles to be used in concentrating solar power plants: A comparison.
Marc Majó, Alejandro Calderón, Rebeca Salgado-Pizarro, Adela Svodobova, Camila Barreneche, A. Inés Fernández. 27th SolarPACES conference. 27 September-1 October 2021, online conference
Energy-material nexus – Next generation thermal energy storage materials from wastes and residues.
Halime Paksoy and Burcu Koçak. ICP 2021 – Sixth International Conference on Polygeneration. 4-6 October 2021, online conference
Definition of key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate innovative storage systems in concentrating solar power (CSP) plants.
Luisa F. Cabeza, Emiliano Borri, Gemma Gasa, Gabriel Zsembinzski, Anton Lopez-Roman, Cristina Prieto. ISES Solar World Congress 2021 (SWC 2021). 25-29 October 2021, virtual conference, pp. 852-857, ISBN 978-3-9820408-7-5, https://proceedings.ises.org/paper/swc2021/swc2021-0084-Cabeza.pdf
Integration of packed-bed thermal energy storage in solar heat system for a food industry.
Burcu Koçak and Halime Paksoy. ISES Solar World Congress 2021 (SWC 2021). 25-29 October 2021, virtual conference, pp. 868-874, ISBN 978-3-9820408-7-5, https://proceedings.ises.org/paper/swc2021/swc2021-0086-Kocak.pdf
The role of buildings in climate change mitigation.
Luisa F. Cabeza. Health & Environmental Resilience and Livability in Cities. 19-20 January 2022, online conference, Keynote, https://www.ierek.com/events/herl#overview
Social Acceptance of TES.
Luisa F. Cabeza. 9th Swiss Symposium Thermal Energy Storage 2022. 28 January 2022, Lucerne-Horw, Switzerland (also online), https://www.hslu.ch/-/media/campus/common/files/dokumente/ta/ta-forschung/tes/sstes22-referats/sstes-22-luisa-f-cabeza-social-acceptance-of-tes.pdf?la=en
Development of a new concrete for high-temperature thermal energy storage.
Luisa F. Cabeza. Sustainable Materials for Energy Storage Solutions. 23-25 February 2022, San Sebastián, Spain, keynote
Recent trends and future perspectives on the use of phase change materials for thermal energy storage.
Luisa F. Cabeza and Emiliano Borri. EIRES Lunch lecture. 3 June 2022, online event, https://www.tue.nl/en/our-university/calendar-and-events/03-06-2022-eires-lunch-lecture/
Análisis del ciclo de vida (ACV) de varias plantas de termosolares (CSP) en configuración de torre con diferente capacidad de almacenamiento en sales fundidas.
Gemma Gasa, Emiliano Borri, Antón Lopez-Roman, Cristina Prieto, Luisa F. Cabeza. XVIII Congreso Ibérico y XIV Congreso Iberoamericano de Energía Solar (XVIII Iberian Congress and XIV Ibero-American Solar Energy Congress, CIES 2022). 20-22 June 2022, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, https://www.cies-congreso.org/67569/detail/xviii-congreso-iberico-y-xiv-congreso-iberoamericano-de-energia-solar.html
Formulación de un nuevo hormigón para almacenamiento de energía térmica a alta temperatura.
Luisa F. Cabeza, J. Ramon Castro, L. Boquera. XVIII Congreso Ibérico y XIV Congreso Iberoamericano de Energía Solar (XVIII Iberian Congress and XIV Ibero-American Solar Energy Congress, CIES 2022). 20-22 June 2022, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, https://www.cies-congreso.org/67569/detail/xviii-congreso-iberico-y-xiv-congreso-iberoamericano-de-energia-solar.html
Recent trends and future perspectives on the use of phase change materials for thermal energy storage.
Luisa F. Cabeza and Emiliano Borri. XVIII Congreso Ibérico y XIV Congreso Iberoamericano de Energía Solar (XVIII Iberian Congress and XIV Ibero-American Solar Energy Congress, CIES 2022). 20-22 June 2022, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, https://www.cies-congreso.org/67569/detail/xviii-congreso-iberico-y-xiv-congreso-iberoamericano-de-energia-solar.html
Study on the implementation of different thermal energy storage concepts in CSP plants.
Gabriel Zsembinszki, Cristina Prieto, A. Inés Fernández, Halime Paksoy, Gennady Ziskind, Francisco Carrillo, Ibrahim Südas, Gemma Gasa, Emiliano Borri, Luisa F. Cabeza. XII National and III International Conference on Engineering Thermodynamics (CNIT 2022). 29 June-1 July 2022, Madrid, Spain, pp. 195-201, ISBN: 978-84-09-42477-1
Recent trends and future perspectives on the use of phase change materials for thermal energy storage.
Luisa F. Cabeza and Emiliano Borri. XII National and III International Conference on Engineering Thermodynamics (CNIT 2022). 29 June-1 July 2022, Madrid, Spain, keynote
New Concept for High Temperature Thermal Energy Storage Using a Concrete Tank.
Luisa F. Cabeza, David Vérez, Gabriel Zsembinszki, Emiliano Borri, Cristina Prieto. ISES and IEA SHC International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry (EuroSun 2022). 25-29 September 2022, Kassel, Germany
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Several Concentrating Solar Plants (CSP) in Tower Configuration with Different Storage Capacity in Molten Salts.
Gemma Gasa, Antón Lopez-Roman, Cristina Prieto, Luisa F. Cabeza. ISES and IEA SHC International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry (EuroSun 2022). 25-29 September 2022, Kassel, Germany